

Ph.D., North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Civil Engineering. December 2011.

Dissertation: “Multiscale Constitutive Modeling of Asphalt Concrete

Committee: Dr. Y. Richard Kim, Dr. Murthy N. Guddati, Dr. Roy Borden, Dr. Ranji Ranjithan, and Dr. Christopher Bobko

Master of Science, North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Transportation Materials. May 2006.

Thesis: “Experimental Investigation and Constitutive Modeling of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures in Uniaxial Tension

Committee: Dr. Y. Richard Kim, Dr. Murthy N. Guddati, and Dr. Roy Borden

Bachelor of Science, North Carolina State University. Department of Civil Engineering. Transportation Focus. May 2003.

Positions Held

Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs, North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.

Professor, North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.

Associate Professor, North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.

2017 (April)-2017 (July)
Visiting Professor, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture (DIATI).

Assistant Professor, Arizona State University. School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment. Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering.

Research Scientist, North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Transportation Materials.

Graduate Research Assistant, North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.Transportation Materials.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.

Undergraduate Research Assistant, North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.Transportation Materials.


Professional Membership

Associate Member American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute

ASCE Transportation Development Institute

Transportation Research Board

Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists

Committee Membership

TRB AKM40: Characteristics of Asphalt Paving Mixtures to Meet Structural Requirements

ISAP 2014 Scientific Committee

TDI 2nd Congress on Integrated Transportation and Development Scientific Committee

Arizona Pavements/Materials Conference Committee

Friend to TRB ADD 40: Transportation Sustainability Committee

Co-Organizer Dallas Little Honorary Symposium at 2011 ASCE EMI Conference

Peer Reviewer

ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics

ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering

Journal of the Transportation Research Board

International Journal of Pavement Engineering

Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists

Environmental Science and Technology

Construction and Building Materials

International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology

Mechanics of Materials

Journal of Composite Materials

Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering

Professional Development

MGE@MSA Faculty Doctoral Mentoring Institute Certification; Tempe, Arizona

Introduction to Faculty Careers: A Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows; Raleigh, North Carolina

American Concrete Pavement Association Professor’s Seminar; Chicago, Illinois